7 Reasons Why You Should Use Cadaxo SQL Cockpit

You might have heard about our Cadaxo SQL Cockpit already – it is an Add-on to your SAP System. Here is an animated video which shows very nice overview about it:

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In this blog post I am not going to describe every possible use case and feature of the SQL Cockpit. I think everybody needs to find the beauty of the SQL Cockpit by himself/herself. This is how I found mine.

I am professionally the youngest guy in our Cadaxo Team but I adopted the usage of SQL Cockpit super-fast. Here are my 7 reasons why you should use Cadaxo SQL Cockpit as well.

1. Writing complicated queries has never been easier

When I started with ABAP couple years ago I was sometimes going crazy with the limitations of SE16 and other transactions. Now I read data from the database almost every time by writing a simple SELECT to SQL Cockpit.

But it is not only about simple SELECTs of course. As an ABAP Developer when I run into very complicated SELECT with JOINs or WHERE conditions I simply copy the SELECT from my code to SQL Cockpit and see the results/error immediately. It saves my time with beloved debugger.

2. Generating Reports

Not only that all queries stay in History for later usage, it is also possible to generate reports out of your queries. It is really simple – there is a wizard for it. You don’t need any ABAP skills to write cool Reports very fast with select-options and everything you need.

3. Comparing Results on Site

Do you remember last time when you copied/exported data from one table to your spreadsheet, then from another table and another table… and then visually compared the results?

Well, in SQL Cockpit I just run two or more SQL statements next to each other and can compare the results with our Compare result list function, while staying on the same site. No CTRL+C, no CTRL+V, no Excel 😊

4. Modern Up-To-Date ABAP

SQL Cockpit supports Open SQL Expressions, Functions, Host Expressions, Unions… (more info here)

5. CDS Views Supported

… and yes, (one of the FAQ these days) even access to CDS Views works very well.

6. Talk about performance

As a developer, I like to think about my code before saving it. In SQL Cockpit I can see the time needed to perform my SQL statement. I can even write two SQL statements and compare its performance. (Usually the first thought – the first query – is slower 😉

7. Overall user experience and support

I must say, I really like working with SQL Cockpit. We at Cadaxo do care about User Experience, all features are just one click away.

I hope you will find your reasons soon as well!